FASEA updates recognition of prior learning

FASEA updates recognition of prior learning

Prepared by Catherine Evans FASEA continues to approve courses for recognition of prior learning.   In the last week, FASEA has announced recognition of coursework undertaken to attain a professional designation from the Financial Planning Association (FPA)...
CPD Update

CPD Update

Prepared by Catherine Evans We have had a number of queries about whether there is any CPD relief for advisers given the current circumstances. The answer is, not really. The TPB has relaxed the 25% technical and professional reading cap that applies to CPD, which...
To ROA or SOA?

To ROA or SOA?

Published 1 April, 2020 Prepared by Catherine Evans Government policy is rapidly adapting in light of the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis. This includes changes to superannuation such as the reduction in minimum pension payments and temporary...